Children’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | Role Models and Leaders | Kids Martial Arts Athens, GA
You might not expect a little girl to give up gymnastics for martial arts, but that’s how much Sadira loves the Kid’s Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and mixed martial arts program at The HardCore Gym in Athens, Georgia. Gi, no-gi, and mma, she loves them all. The training, along with daily life skills lessons, has given her the confidence and discipline to step up into the Submission Samurais and become a leader and role model.
In this short video Sadira talks about how much she loves the Kid’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts program at The HardCore Gym. As part of Submission Samurai she is a member of an elite group of kids who are leaders and role models for the Explorers and Leadership Team children. She loves to compete and has won in both gi and no-gi tournaments. She has the confidence to be on film and the discipline to earn new belts and one day would like to be a Red Belt in BJJ (something she is fully aware of takes a very, very long time). She even quit gymnastics to pursue Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the rest of her life.
At nine years old, Sadira has been training for a little over two years. She talks about why she loves the gym so much. She even quit gymnastics. She likes the techniques, learns a lot, and it’s “very fun”. She was afraid she might get hurt before she started. She changed her mind when she realized how much fun it was and she could learn to defend herself against people who don’t like her (although she admits there aren’t many of them).
She discusses competing and winning in both gi and no-gi competition. She says people have nothing to be afraid of and the coaches are very nice. She started off as a white belt and now has a Grey/Black Belt. She would like to be a Red belt one day (even more advanced then a BJJ Black Belt). As part of the Submission Samurai she is at the top of the kids program. She is a role model and part of the only group of kids allowed to compete in the gym.
For more great Martial Arts Success Stories and to learn how you to can train at the #1 Gym in Georgia head over to: http://www.MartialArtsSuccessStory.Com/ or call 706-850-8444 TODAY.