We have the best training partners in Georgia

Gage is a college student in Athens, GA. He has been training for a little over a year soon after graduating high school. He has always been a big fan of MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Gage is presently part of the HardCore Athlete Program training under the tutelage of 3 BJJ Black Belts, as well as Top 100 Coaches (by UFC magazine) and UFC veterans. It was his original training in the MMA Blueprint Program where he was guided every step of the way and given great fundamentals that prepared him to train with some of the best athletes in the gym. He has this advice for anyone looking to train Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian jiu jitsu in Athens, GA, “Come to the hardcore gym because we have the best training partners in Georgia and frequently get good seminars from other gyms because of Rory and Adam’s connections with the MMA scene in America and with Roberto Traven [5th degree BJJ Black Belt and former ADCC World Champion].”